1980 - born in Graz
1995-2000 - HTBLA Ortwein for Art & Design Graz
2002-2010 - Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design
since 2010 - Independent Multi-Technical Director & Media Artist / Film Producer
2010-2013 - Postgraduate Funding Grant of Baden Württemberg
2012 - Cineart Award Styria
03/2011 - Tricky Women International Animationfilmfestival, Vienna, Austria
03/2011 - Monstra, International Animated Film Festival, Lisbon, Portugal
03/2011 - Landshuter Shortfilmfestival, Germany
10/2011 - AniWoW! International Student Animation Festival, Peking, China
03/2012 - Tricky Women, International Animationfilmfestival, Vienna, Austria
03/2012 - Monstra, International Animated Film Festival, Lisbon, Portugal
03/2012 - ITFS, International Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart, Germany
09.2012 - FANTOCHE, International Festival for Animated Film, Baden, Switzerland
10/2012 - Anim´EST, International Animation Film Festival, Bukarest, Rumänien
10/2012 - Montreal Stop Motion Film Festival, Montreal, Canada
11/2012 - FILMETS International Badalona Film Festival, Barcelona
04/2013 - Best of Musikvideo, Filmfestival of Film Akademy Vienna, Austria
05/2013 - Best-of-Young-Steiermark – Cinema Next Movie Night Schubertkino, Graz, Austria
06/2013 - MIAF, Melbourne International Animation Film Festival, Melburne, Australia
06/3013 - KAFF, Kecskemet Animation Film Festival, Hungary
06/2013 - Fest Anča 2013 International Animation Festival, Zilina, Slovakia
08/2013 - PALENA International Animation Film Festival, Palena, Switzerland
11/2013 - Anilogue International Animation Film Festival, Budapest, Hungary
from 09/2012 to 09/2013 - BEST OF ITFS - International Festival Tour:
International Animation Film Festival Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg Rolle)
10.-15.09.2012 - VARNA World Festival of Animated Film, Varna, Romania
06.-14.10.2012 - ANIMATOU, Genf, Switzerland
10.10.2012 - ANIMÉST, Romania
20.10.2012 - StuttgartNacht, Cinema Stuttgart, Germany
27.10 -04.11.2012 - VAF. Viborg, Denmark
28.10.2012 - International Animation Day, Porto, Portugal
28.10.2012 - International Animation Day, Sofia, Bulgaria
29.10.2012 - MINISHAR FOR ART, International Animation Day, Tel Aviv, Israel
01.-04.11.2012 - MULTIVISION FESTIVAL, St.Petersburg, Russia
02.11.2012 - HOLON Cinematheque, Internationalen Animation Day, Israel
07.11.2012 - „einKINOstein“ im Kinocenter Kehl, Germany
07.-11.11.2012 - PISAF Puchon, Korea, South Korea
26.11.2012 - Limassol Animation Forum, Zypern
07.-09.12.2012 - ZIMFAIA, Harare, Simbabwe
22.02.2013 - Kino im Waldhorn, Rottenburg, Germany
26.02.2013 - Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart
01.03.2013 - Kino im Waldhorn, Rottenburg, Germany
2004 - Nominated for the "Gunther Schroff Schorlarship" for shortfilm "black&white" lav
2005 - video contribution at Art- and Culture Festival Heilbronn musicvideo "pope generationII"
2006 - Nominated for ZKM award for experimental paper collage film "schwarzes Heu"
2007 - Exhibition „Night Ride“, Schlosspark Karlsruhe 2d animation "feathers"
2008 - Exhibition „Kino & Comics“, Städtische Galerie Karlsruhe 2d animation"Missgeschicke"
2009 - video contribution Art TV Station souvenirs from earth "schwarzes Heu"
2010 - Distincted by the State University for Art and Design Karlsruhe for clayanimation „Birthmark“
2010 - video contribution „on-3 Shortfilmnight“, Bayrischer Rundfunk TV „Birthmark“
2011 - video contribution Art Association Wilhelmshöhe Ettlingen „Birthmark“
2011 - Nomination for the Hubert Sielecki Prize for "Birthmark"
2011 - Distincted by the Künstlerhaus Wien for "Birthmark"
2012 - Cineart Award of Styria for story concept "Psyriel"
2012 - „That´s The Beat“ on „BEST OF ITFS 2012“ DVD (International Tour)
2012 - Publication in the "BEST OF ANIMATION", Anibar IFF „That´s The Beat“
08/2013 - Distincted by PALENA Film Festivals with the MENZIONE SPECIALE Prize, „That´s The Beat“
02/2013 - Portrait and Interview on „ARTfaces“ Kulturservice des Landes Steiermark
01/2014 - Publication in DRAW 4 2D "Psyriel"
04/2019 - "Missing link; Personality" Independent Art Gallery Din Lømmel, Tønsberg, Norway
02/2021 - Group Exhibition Illu Kollektiv Graz: "UNLOCKED"
02/2021 - Group Exhibition Illu Kollektiv Graz: "MIND BUBBLES"
05/2021 - Group Exhibition Illu Kollektiv Graz: "WHIRLED"
07/2021 - "BREATHE" in cooperation with "The Breathe Earth Collective", Group Exhibition Illu Kollektiv Graz
09.2021 - "CHANGE" Murinsel Graz, Austria
09.2021 - "Figures", upTown Art Graz, Austria
09.2021 - "We Love Illustration", Design-Forum Graz, Austria